All about Jess + Lifestyle

Falling into the Martha Stewart holiday trap?

20 November 2014
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Why do we fall into the trap of putting so much pressure on 
ourselves to pull off a Martha Stewart-esque holiday? Why do we
 end up feeling guilty, anxious, or sad when festivities don’t go
 as planned? How can we set these unrealistic expectations aside
 and embrace/enjoy the present moment?

It’s important to shift our mentality when the holiday season arrives and actually take a break from all the planning and organizing. Surrender to your usual daily routine. Relieve all expectations and pressures you are putting on yourself.

The point of your holiday is to revitalize both mind and body. In order to leave your holiday feeling rejuvenated, you need to make rest a priority – no, in fact it needs to be a commitment.

Perhaps you are the kind of person who does not know how to sit back and relax. You are too used to have so much to do…I get that. What you need to do is schedule in rest time like you do with a meeting. I believe people are not RESTING enough and it is not doing good things to our health. You know my mantra: a rested body is a healthy body.

If you prioritize rest, you will find yourself able to connect with your body. You will also be able to embrace the present moment…special time with family and friends. See, the point of the festivities is not to stress out about creating the perfect meal…it’s about being with loved ones and celebrating life.

Some tips:

  • Schedule in time to REST. Enter what I call the STRESS FREE ZONE for 30-60 minutes – daily. This means time away from technology, people and any stressors. Read, walk, breathe, meditate – do something just for you.
  • Keep it simple- no need to get all fancy shamncy with your holiday festivities and meal preparations. It’s not about working hard. Make it easy for yourself and choose simple, classic recipes.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Ask your friend/family member to bring a salad/meal option. This will relieve so much pressure off you, and you can do the same for them in return next time!
  • Don’t compare yourself to others, ever. You are doing the best you can.
  • Remember, it’s not about the food. It’s not about the table setting. It’s about being present. It’s about celebrating time with family and friends. But most importantly, it’s an opportunity to PAUSE and reconnect with YOU.

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