Real Talk

My Honest Thoughts on Trending Fad Diets

02 March 2018
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fad diet

I get this question ALL the time.


I have tried every fad diet. You name it – I have done it. I dieted from the age of 13-23 years old – 10 whole years.


I get it. I get the temptation to be on a diet, I really do. Especially when it comes with promises to make you look and feel better.


So, when people ask me what I think of a specific diet, my answer is always the same.


Yes, some diets have incredible research behind them, some of them get unbelievable results. But… Unfortunately, most of the results do not last very long because the diet comes with ‘rules’ that are not sustainable for long-term.


Diets seem to cause people to have a very unhealthy relationship with food. They’re associated with restriction and deprivation, which means you start to think and obsess about food – this is not very healthy. The moment you get off the diet, you can’t help but binge and overeat on the foods you missed. Especially if you are fasting.


Research is starting to show that people who are frequent fad dieters, tend to struggle with their weight long term. This was definitely the case for me for many years.


It’s not your fault if you are a fad dieter who has developed an unhealthy relationship with food and your body. We live in a society where we are being inundated with so many conflicting messages about health and food – we are left confused, overwhelmed and beating ourselves up for not getting it right. We are listening to everyone else, but as a result we have disconnected from our own beautiful bodies. We no longer listen to what works for us as individuals. We cling onto these extreme fad diets because they give us a sense of control over all this confusion.


Lately I have had so many people around me tell me about the radical diets they have embarked on. And perhaps they work short term. But long term they unfortunately backfire. They are not sustainable, and the failure of the diet causes us to beat ourselves up (hello negative self-talk!). This can lead to wanting to give up on the healthy life all together. It’s so demotivating you know?


Well, I am here to tell you there is as MUCH better way.


It’s quite funny actually, in the JSHealth 8-week Program, I tell people to GIVE UP DIETS and they get INCREDIBLE RESULTS? I mean the people who start to relieve the pressure of being on the perfect diet plan, give up the scales and let go of the negative self-talk – are the ones who actually tend to achieve incredible weight balance results. It’s astonishing.


The JSHealth life is manageable and the principles are based on kindness and respect for your body. There is just nothing radical or extreme about it. This is why I believe people are finding it so easy to implement. I also think that addressing the mindset and your relationship with your body (a big part of the JSHealth philosophy) is what is helping so many women finally find freedom with food and their bodies, for life.


I want to encourage you to tune back in. We have to have to try and block out the noise of the diet culture and remember that what works for me, may not work for you. We are different. You know your body best!


Also, life is SO GOOD without diets.


Let me know how you go!


x J


p.s. You can sign up for my Program from anywhere in the world, at any time. Just follow this link:

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