Lifestyle + Real Talk

How Stillness Is Helping Me Conquer My Addiction To Being Busy

23 July 2018
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For many years, I’ve struggled with incorporating stillness into my everyday life. As JSHealth has evolved into a fully-fledged business, my responsibilities have grown. Every day, I have a million thoughts running through my mind and I’m constantly on the go. I love my work and I’m very attached to it, so sometimes when I stop, I feel a bit lost.

When I have too much downtime, I crave the need to reply to my emails, messages on Instagram and Facebook, and chat with our community. As a result, I’ve found it challenging to be still. When I take some time out, I often feel guilty that I’m not doing enough. I used to put myself down for having these thoughts. I’d even feel guilty for feeling guilty. How crazy is that? I’d constantly tell myself to get it together, to be stronger and to step up. After a while, it all becomes exhausting.

Lately, I’ve become more aware of my thoughts. When I notice negative or self-critical thoughts, I talk to myself as if I was the five-year-old girl I once was. I’ll say something like, “Jess, you lead a very full life. Of course, your mind is busy. Try to do some yoga or read a book to help slow it down.”

When we surrender to how we’re truly feeling, life becomes easier. Instead of pushing ourselves uphill, we surrender to the flow. I’ve realised that there’s a time for work and a time for play. It’s okay to take some time for yourself once in a while. It’s okay to take a slow day. It’s okay to sleep in without thinking that you ‘should’ wake up and get going. It’s okay to not respond to those emails. It’s okay to take a mental health day off work.

A rested body is a healthy body. Rest is an essential part of self-care and healthy living. Find some time in your busy day for some stillness. Disconnect from social media, put your phone away, turn off the TV and spend some time in silence or stillness. It might not feel relaxing at first, but with time, your mind will start to quieten and those thoughts will subside. This is something I’m constantly reminding myself of. It’s a journey and I’m learning every day.

I challenge you to take this on in your own world. Can you be okay with being still?

I love hearing from my JSHealth girls, so chat to me on Instagram.

We’re all in this together.





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